Orcaflex 教程
Orcaflex 教程
  1. #Orcaflex 教程 portable
  2. #Orcaflex 教程 mac

Total: matches=0 hash_hits=0 false_alarms=0 data=0 Send_files(2, /Users/sensei/foobar/b.txt) Send_files(1, /Users/sensei/foobar/a.txt) pushing local filters for /home/senseilinux/foobar/b.txt/ pushing local filters for /home/senseilinux/foobar/a.txt/ Get_local_name count=3 /home/senseilinux/ Attendees must have experience of using of OrcaFlex, but do not need prior experience of Python. We will supply an OrcaFlex dongle on the day.

#Orcaflex 教程 portable

We will, prior to the workshop, provide downloads for OrcaFlex, training licence files and a portable Python installation. (Server) Protocol versions: remote=29, negotiated=29 Attendees should bring a laptop on which OrcaFlex has been installed. (Client) Protocol versions: remote=31, negotiated=29 Opening connection using ssh -l senseilinux ssh.w. rsync -server -vvvvvnlogDtpr -delete. I don't know what I am missing here, so I've run rsync verbosely: ~% rsync -a -delete -h -vvvvv -n "/Users/sensei/foobar" machine=ssh.w. user=senseilinux path=~/Ĭmd=ssh cmd=-l cmd=senseilinux cmd=ssh.w. cmd=rsync cmd=-server cmd=-vvvvvnlogDtpr cmd=-delete cmd=. Sent 133 bytes received 38 bytes 38.00 bytes/sec This is also confirmed by running rsync a second time without modifying any files: ~% rsync -a -delete -h -v -n "/Users/sensei/foobar" password:

orcaflex 教程

The command succeeded, but if I ssh one the linux server, nothing has been written. Sent 133 bytes received 38 bytes 31.09 bytes/sec 然后同步: % rsync -a -delete -h -v -n "/Users/sensei/foobar" password: When using ssh the command succeeds but in reality it does not write anything on the server.

#Orcaflex 教程 mac

I am experiencing a problem in setting up an rsync over ssh from my mac laptop to an Ubuntu server.īasically my command line works like a charm with external drives, synchronizing directories and pushing only changed files.

Orcaflex 教程