Cataqclysm quern
Cataqclysm quern

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Thus began the War of the Ancients - a war between Azshara and her Highborne, and those deemed lesser. Intent on bringing Sargeras to the world, Azshara had Xavius get to work with the task of opening a portal with the Well’s power, and bringing her husband-to-be to her - for there was none more worthy of her than a god. Xavius brought Queen Azshara to the Well, and for the first time in her life, Azshara laid eyes on a creature who she deemed worthy of her favor. But a ruse had to be constructed to allow the Dark Titan to cross from the Twisting Nether into Azeroth, and so Sargeras contacted Xavius, made the councilor believe he was a god. Sargeras held no love or fascination with Azshara - he wanted the Well of Eternity. She agreed, and the plans were set into motion … yet they caught the attention of one other, as well. Queen Azshara, in the meantime, set her spellcasters to work with the Well, and the dizzying array of magic caught the attention of Councilor Xavius, who decided the best use for the Well was to use its power to cleanse the world, rebuilding a perfect paradise suitable for someone of Queen Azshara’s status and glory. Those who were not so blessed as to live in the splendor of Queen Azshara resided in the outlying areas of the capital, including the followers of Elune. Azshara ordered a new palace built on the shores of the Well, and her subjects happily complied, hoping to gain her favor.Īzshara’s favor was won only by the noble elite, the Highborne - coincidentally also some of the most powerful spellcasters among the kaldorei. She was also one of the most powerful mages kaldorei society had ever seen, and was incredibly fascinated with the Well of Eternity. They even re-named the capital city in her honor: Zin-Azshari, “Glory of Azshara.” But Azshara was far more than just a beloved queen. She was born with golden eyes, a sign that she was intended for greatness - and she grew up to become the most beloved ruler of her time. Queen Azshara likely wasn’t the only ruler the night elves had back in the days of old, but she was the one most remembered and revered. Perhaps it may even be why her unusual fate after the War of the Ancients occurred the way it did. In fact, although Azshara was most definitely a night elf, she’s always seemed to have more in common with the Old Gods than her own people. Hands down - and that includes the Elemental Lords, Dragon Aspects, would-be Guardians of Tirisfal, world shaman, and maybe even the Old Gods. Regardless of her serious lack of involvement in anything Warcraft-related since her one minor, lonely appearance in Cataclysm, Queen Azshara is one of the most fascinating characters in Warcraft‘s stable of villains - and it’s honestly a surprise that we haven’t seen her yet.īecause Queen Azshara is quite possibly the most powerful beings on Azeroth. Either way, it’ll be made perfectly clear by the end of the article - and there may be some spoilers for future content in here, so consider yourselves warned if you’d like to keep reading.

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Or you might have a very good idea why I’m doing so. You might be wondering why, for my inaugural Know Your Lore column here at Blizzard Watch, I’m covering Queen Azshara, of all things.

Cataqclysm quern